The Egyptian Journal of Immunology
Published for the Egyptian Association of Immunologists
Information for Submission of Manuscripts
Notice of Page Charges
The Egyptian Journal of Immunology (EJI) is an “Open Access” publication that is freely available to all users on the internet. Starting January 2023, the following page charges are applied. a) for a manuscript of 10 pages or less, in regular issues, the total cost is 5000 LE, for regular EAI members in good standing at the time of submission and manuscript acceptance. Furthermore, 500 LE will be charged for any extra page. b). 400$ for Egyptian living/working abroad and non-Egyptian authors.
N.B: Manuscripts that do not follow journal author’s instructions will be rejected.
Submission of the Manuscript
- Please submit a cover letter, directed to the journal “Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Reda M. R. Ramzy”, National Nutrition Institute, which indicates the role and signature of each member in the team. In this cover letter please specify the corresponding author as well as a telephone and e-mail address. Enclose in cover letter that the corresponding Author accepts responsibility for all stated information contained within it. In few words, the cover letter must also include clear and accurate details on the aim of the study, the novel results obtained and the significance of the study, in other words what it adds to the scientific knowledge. This section should not be a repetition of manuscript abstract.
- Submit the cover letter and manuscript online by email to
- Entire manuscript (including tables and references) must be typed double-spaced in a font (e.g., Times New Roman) size of at least 12 points. The left and right margins must be at least 1 inch and top and bottom margins of at least 0.5 inch.
- Please number pages beginning with the title page (title page is page 1).
- The order of appearance of material in all manuscripts should be as follows and each on a separate page including Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, legends for figures, figures.
- Abstract (maximum 300 words) must be on a separate page before the introduction. Do not submit an abstract with correspondence.
- Acknowledgments of persons who assisted the authors should be included on the page preceding the references.
- References must begin on a separate page.
- Number references in the order they appear in the text; do not alphabetize. In text, tables, and legends, identify references by square brackets [ ]. References at the end of the paper must be arranged in numerical order.
- Reference must follow the format established by the “Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals” (see examples in Instruction to Authors).
- If you reference your own unpublished work (i.e., an “in press” article) in the manuscript that you are submitting, you must enclose a copy of the “in press” article. If you cite unpublished data that are not your own, you must provide a letter of permission from the author in question.
- If manuscript is accepted, authors need to provide three glossy or laser-produced prints of each figure that you are submitting. Label all figures clearly with first author’s name and figure number (place typed label on back figure).
- Provide a figure legend for each figure. Figure legends must be on a separate page at end of manuscript.
- Reproduction of color figures must be paid for by the author; please bear this in mind if you are considering submitting color figures. Please refer to Instructions to Authors for further information regarding the title page, abstract, references, statistical analyses tables and figures, and style.
Instructions to Authors
Manuscripts should be submitted as attachment to e-mail. In such case authors need to send a copy of the manuscript by email to plus a deposit of one thousand pounds (1000 LE). The e-mail should include a letter to the “Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Reda M. R. Ramzy”, National Nutrition Institute.
The order of appearance of material in all manuscripts should be as follows: Title page, abstract, text, references, tables, legends for figures. The manner of presentation should suit the nature of material. Prospective authors should examine a recent issue of “The Egyptian Journal of Immunology.”
Title page: Each manuscript should have a title page that includes a title of not more than two printed lines (160 letters and spaces); the names and institutional affiliations of the authors (no titles or degrees); a running head of not more than 45 letters and spaces; and footnotes indicating sources of financial support, changes of address, and the name and address of the person to whom requests for reprints should be sent and footnotes indicating sources of financial support and changes of address. Acknowledgments of persons who assisted the authors should be included on the page preceding the references.
Abstract: The second page must contain an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract for a review or historical article should be a summary of the salient data, ideas, and conclusions presented in the text. The abstract for a research report should indicate the purpose of the research, the methods used, the results (with specific data given, if possible), and the conclusions. No references should be cited in the abstract. For lengthy review articles, a table of contents may be supplied by the author, or its addition suggested by the editors.
Introduction: The introduction should supply sufficient background information to allow the reader to understand and evaluate the results of the present study without referring to previous publications on the topic. The introduction should also provide the rationale for the present study. Choose references carefully to provide the most salient background rather than exhaustive review of the topic.
Material and Methods: The Material and Methods section must include sufficient technical information to allow the experiments to be repeated. The sources of all media and reagents (i.e., name and location of manufacturer) must be provided.
Results: Present the Results as concisely as possible in one of the following: text, table(s) or figure(s). Avoid extensive use of graphs to present data which might be more concisely presented in the text or tables. All tabular data must be accompanied by either standard deviation values or standard error of the means. The statistical procedure used should be stated in Materials and Methods. Limit illustrations (particularly photomicrographs and electron micrographs) to those that are absolutely necessary to show the experimental findings.
Discussion: The discussion section should provide an evaluation of the results in relation to previously published work. Avoid extensive repetition of the results section or reiteration of the introduction.
References: The author is responsible for ensuring that the information in the reference list is accurate. References must be typed double-spaced. Only works that have been published or accepted for publication should be listed as references. Unpublished observations by the authors and personal communications should appear as parenthetical expressions in the text. References are numbered in the order they appear in the text. References must follow the format of the National Library of Medicine as used in Index Medicine and “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Ann Inter Med 1982; 96: 766-70). Provide all authors’ or editors’ names except when they number seven or more, in which case list the first three names and add et al., Titles of journals not listed in the Index Medicus should be spelled out in full. Reference to a doctoral dissertation should include author, title, institution, location, year, and publication information, if published. Examples of formats used are given below:
- Kryger P, Pedersen NS, Mathiesen L, Nielsen JO. (1982). Increased risk of infection with hepatitis A and B viruses in men with a history of syphilis: relation to sexual contacts. J Infect Dis; 145:23-6.
- Reynolds DW, Stagno S, Alford CA. (1979). Laboratory diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infections. In: Lennette EH, Schri NJ, eds. Viral, rickettsial and clilamydial infections. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Public Health Association; 339-439.
- Anderson LJ, Wuikier WG, Baer GM. The Centers for Disease Control’s experience with a human rabies vaccine [abstract no. 475]. In: Program and abstract of the 19th International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1979:109.
Footnotes: Substantive footnotes (containing a comment, explanation, or other than textual matter) are not used.
Statistical analysis: The tests used in statistical analysis should be identified both in the text and in any tables and figures where the results of statistical comparisons are shown.
Tables and figures: The same data should not be shown in both a table and a figure except in unusual circumstances. Tables are numbered in the order of appearance in the text. Vertical rules are not used. Footnotes should be placed below the table and should be designated by the following symbols (listed in order of location when the table is read horizontally): *, §, ¦, #, etc. Each column must have an appropriate heading, and units of measure must be clearly indicated. Figures, including line drawings and graphs, should be submitted as glossy prints, preferably no larger than 5 x 7 inches. Every print should be clearly labeled with the first author’s name and figure number. Legends should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper. Reproduction color figures are expensive; they can be published only if special arrangements are made with the editors. Photomicrographs should show only the most pertinent area of the material being studied or should be marked for cropping to avoid unnecessary reduction in size. A micron bar or appropriate scale marking must be placed on the figure.
Use of Abbreviations: The use of abbreviations should be minimal; for example, terms such as reticuloendothelial system or Epstein-Barr virus should be spelled out in any article in which they appear only a few times. However, when such terms are repeated many times in an article, abbreviations (RES or EBV) may be introduced when the terms are first used, and abbreviations used thereafter. Conventional or SI units of measure may be used without definition.
Language: Authors unsure of proper English usage should have their manuscripts checked by someone proficient in the English language. Manuscripts may be rejected on the basis of poor English or lack of conformity to accepted standards of style. EAI strongly recommends that for clarity you use the past tense to narrate particular events in the past, including the procedures, observations, and data of the study that you are reporting. Use the present tense for your own general conclusions, the conclusions of previous researchers, and generally accepted facts.
Reviews: A review article needs to focus on a topic relevant to immunology or on recent advances in diagnosis and therapy. Review articles must be concise to the point and analytical and to include appropriate references to the literature; not exceeding 6000 words in length, must include abstracts of 300 words or fewer, and must have no more than 100 references. The use of tables and figures to give reader an overview of the point discussed are of value.
Letters to the Editor: Comments on published articles or current immunology topics are welcomed. Such letters will be published if appropriate. Text should include a brief title describing topic of Letter. Letters to the Editor are screened and peer-reviewed or Letters may be subjected to rebuttal by the authors of the initial article commented on.
Human and Animal Use: Studies involving human subjects must be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki All animal studies must be performed in compliance with the guide for the use and care of Laboratory Animals (or otherwise relevant guidelines). A statement that human and/or animal studies have been reviewed and approved by an appropriate institutional review committee must be included in the Materials and Methods section of the manuscript.
Preparation of the Revised Manuscript:
Follow EAI Editorial Office suggestions and comments contained in the decision letter carefully and thoroughly. A revised manuscript not returned within six months of the date of the decision letter will be considered as a new manuscript and subject to a new complete review.
A point-by-point reply to all referee comments must be supplied to EAI Chief Editor. Do not show deletions in the revised manuscript. After the manuscript has been checked by journal staff, the corresponding Author will receive an acknowledging receipt by email. In case the corresponding Author does not receive the acknowledgment email, please contact EIA office.
Editorial Policies and Procedures:
Decisions: Categories for initial decisions are: (1) accept, (2) accept after compulsory revision and return for revision, and (3) reject. All revised manuscripts are carefully reexamined by reviewer, and ultimate acceptability is not guaranteed, nor does promise expedited review of selected manuscripts. In addition, a reviewer may add increased charges due to incorrect references and plagiarism.
Also, authors may be asked to resubmit manuscript if revision or additional experimentation can address major criticisms. Typically, one or more reviewers would have considered the adequacy of the revisions.
Communication with Authors: To minimize the possibility of misinterpretation or errors in verbal communication, EAI Editorial Office will provide information, in writing, only to the corresponding author.
Manuscript acceptance or refusal will be maximally within two month of manuscript submission to EIA Editorial Office. Acceptance of papers is based on the originality of the observation or investigation, the quality of the work described and the clarity of presentation.
Corresponding Author needs to be aware that the submitted work was not published previously, nor submitted at the same time elsewhere for review, print or electronic publication consideration.